Thursday 16 March 2017

Record high underemployment in Australia

The latest unemployment figures for Australia show a number of worrying indicators.

  • A rise in unemployment overall (to 5.9% of the workforce)
  • A record high in underemployment (1.1 million people are employed but want to work longer hours)
  • Falling numbers of full-time jobs 
This all helps explain why wages growth in Australia is also at record lows. There is simply too much supply in the labour market for wages to rise. This may be because of a number of reasons, for example, an increasing workforce (immigration and more young people joining the market than older ones leaving it), or lower demand for goods and services made by Australians leading to less demand for workers. 

The prospect of falling Aggregate Demand (AD) is clearly a possibility. At present the rise in commodity prices is helping to boost exports, assisting modest AD growth, but isn't really employing any more people (because its the value not the volume of exports which is rising).

This is going to present difficult policy options for the Government (budgetary/fiscal policy) and the Reserve Bank of Australia on interest rates.

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