Thursday 6 March 2014

The Carbon Tax is working

Australia's small carbon tax has apparently having an effect. One group believe that Australia's carbon emissions fell by 7% last year, mainly due to the carbon tax.

Of course that is the point of the tax. It raises the price of goods and so fewer are bought. The idiot Abbot, for reasons that are hard to rationalise, wishes to remove the incentive to reduce carbon emissions and replace it with a series of grants he calls 'direct action'.

The bad news for Abbot is that no independent observer thinks his alternative will work. They don't believe that there is enough in the budget to reduce emissions sufficiently.

There is another problem looming for Abbot. The US wants the subject of climate change measures on the G20 agenda for the Brisbane meeting in November. This is probably going to be embarrassing for Australia, although it is unlikely that Abbot is bright enough to feel the shame.

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