Thursday 19 June 2014

Unfair practice? ACCC takes action against Jetstar and Virgin

When a market is an oligopoly the chances of tacit collusion is high. There are only a few airlines operating in the Australian domestic market and the ACCC believes they are operating unfairly.

The issue is the way the airlines advertise a price and then add fees as the booking progresses. The particular issue is how there is a charge for using normal methods of paying.

The ACCC is taking legal action because they feel that it is the low level of competition which is the cause of the problem. 

The ACCC argument might be this. The airlines are deliberately hiding the fees to make them look more attractive to customers. Because the airlines know that they will both make more money by doing this they don't try to compete the fees away. If there was true competition then these high fees would be reduced as an airline started to advertise 'no hidden charges'. 

It is the role of the ACCC to look for market failures due to monopoly power. In this case they may have a point. Customers are being mislead. However if the practise was stopped would the 'headline' airfare rise by the same amount?

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