Wednesday 25 June 2014

Regulation to reduce climate change

Yesterday Clive Palmer said he discovered things about the dangers of climate change from Al Gore that he had not known about. Leaving aside the obvious point that no politician who wishes to talk at length about the Carbon Tax should do so without knowing the facts, I also found out something about Australian policy yesterday.

Australia has no vehicle emission standards for cars and light goods vehicles. I knew Australia lagged behind the rest of the world on carbon pricing, emissions targets and CO2 per capita. However not to have rules on how much vehicles emit was a shock.

The good news is that it might happen soon. The Guardian tells the story and has the details of how effective it can be. Such regulation is one of the few examples of where a rule is better than a price to deal with market failure.

Remember when the idiot Abbott falsely claims the Carbon tax is 'the highest in the world' that the rest of the world has multiple climate change measures.

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