Tuesday 19 August 2014

RET, forgotten for a long time, but not gone yet.

The RET is the Renewable Energy Target. It states that Australia should source 20% of its energy generation from renewable sources by 2020.

For Australia the most obvious renewable sources are wind and solar. Wind because huge wind farms can be built in the empty spaces of Australia with minimal environmental impact. Solar because parts of Australia get plenty of sunshine, although actually solar works on cloudy days too.

The point of the RET is to reduce carbon emissions. If renewable sources are used then less coal needs to be burned. Australian coal, especially Victorian coal (brown coal) is really quite 'dirty' with high CO2 emissions.

The government does not like renewable energy. They don't really think action on climate change is important and many suspect they are just pro-mining as they receive strong financial support from that sector.

The government now have a report on what to do with the RET. Written by a climate change sceptic it's likely to add to Australia's disgraceful reputation as a nation of environmental terrorists too poorly educated to grasp the nature of scientific probability.

The Guardian discusses the likely impact of cutting back or abolishing the RET below.

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